I won’t play again: I am leaving the club Goodbye everyone

Portland gets a parting message from Damian Lillard: “I’m depressed.”

Lillard conveyed his gratitude to a broad range of individuals and stated his intention to return to Portland.

The Damian Lillard trade shook the NBA world in the middle of the week. The next day after the news, the star guard sent a message to Portland Trail Blazers fans.

After getting traded to the Milwaukee Bucks by his own request, Lillard posted a lengthy letter to the city of Portland, the fans, the organization members, and the people he established close relationships with:

Dear Rip City,

I want to start off by saying this isn’t a goodbye, it’s a see you later. My words have always been from the heart when it comes to you Rip City. I consider you my home as well as many of my family members, and that won’t change. I’ve built my entire adulthood here and made so many friends that I will never forget. The moments on the basketball court, as great as they have been, don’t even compare to the experience I’ve had with all of you. The way you embraced me from day one gave no choice but to reciprocate the love a thousand times, and I don’t regret it one bit.

Since I genuinely am one of you, I have to say that it saddens me to see some of you cross over and become my opponents after I requested to be traded without knowing all the details. We won’t have these wonderful times again, at least not in exactly the same form, so I hope there will come a day when we can get together and remember them.

I was your all-time favourite mid-major PG—you know, the one with the chip on my shoulder, pride, competitiveness, love of Rip City, and youth and newness. I always hoped that the door I was about to close would lead to retirement rather than to another team now that I’m older and on my way out. All I have left is love for this city and the fans. That won’t ever alter. I am grateful to Jody Allen. When I first met you, Jody, I thought you were a cool woman because you were wearing a vintage Blazers jacket and Alexander McQueen trainers.

.. We would be fine, I knew. I sincerely regret for any miscommunication that may have occurred this summer, as you have been excellent in every way over the past five years. I will always be appreciative of your help during some trying times outside of basketball, during which you truly showed me and my family your love and compassion. We’ll get our chance. Love and light to you!

I am grateful to Neil Olshey for selecting me with the sixth overall pick in the 2023 NBA Draught and giving me the chance to start my career and life in such a wonderful place. In addition, I want to express my gratitude to Terry Stotts for his love and freedom during my nine years with the group. I couldn’t have developed into my best self as a player without you.

I am grateful to Kim Hughes, John McCullough, David Vanterpool, Jay Triano, Dale Osbourne, Nate Tibbetts, Jim Moran, and Kim Hughes for being the village that helped me go in the right direction as an NBA player from the start.

You guys who were my previous teammates are aware of my true self. It’s the same in private as it is in public, and I find comfort in that. I cherish each of you.

To Anferno, my young fella! Haha… Even though he detests it, man, I genuinely think the best of you. I noticed it right away. What really gave me faith in your potential in this league is not so much your natural talent and divine gifts as it is who you are. I can’t wait to watch you succeed in it. You are aware of my feelings for you and where you stand in our brotherhood. Bra, you have my undying love.

To Chauncey, man, I love you. I view David Vanterpool as my closest OG in the NBA along with a few others, and I place you there with or without basketball. The last two years have been tough on you as they have been on me, but it has been a complete joy growing my relationship with you, bra.

You guys who were my old teammates know who I really am. I take solace in the fact that it remains the same whether we are together or not. I treasure each and every one of you.

To my young man, Anferno! Hehe… I really think the best of you, man, even though he hates it. It immediately caught my attention. It’s not so much your innate talent and spiritual gifts that have inspired me to believe in your ability to succeed in this league, but rather who you are. I look forward to seeing you be successful in it. You know how I feel about you and your place in our brotherhood. You have my unwavering love, Bra.

To my guys Eric Hallman and Cory Lay, if I had to do your jobs, I would have quit a long time ago. In this league and many other occupations, there are people that do the dirty work and behind-the-scenes stuff that never gets credit or even acknowledgment, but the ship would sink without you. Much love to you, good brothers.

Geoff Clark, bro, you are one hell of a dude. I can’t even put into words the comfort you have given me just seeing you in the building every day. I love you like family, and I’ll miss seeing you, man. Cheri Hanson, if I’ve learned anything in 11 years with you, it’s that nobody is too big or too old to say please. I love you, Miss Cheri, and I thank you for being so kind and supportive of me.

I’m grateful to Beth Hancock for being such a wonderful friend. You’ve supported and helped me since I was a young child, and you’ve never aged a minute! I love you, Beth! Jim Taylor, I’ve missed you over the past few seasons, but you’re one of us! I remember you telling me at my first All-Star Game when things got really busy, and I was complaining that “success and failure are equally disastrous,” and you weren’t lying. It’s a beautiful struggle.

Nick West, thank you for everything, man. You made everything flow and nobody knew the whole time. You’re a great guy and friend, bro – I’ll be seeing you.

My guy Zilla/Mr. Forcier, our time is up, but the brotherhood remains. Much love.

To Annie Klug, thank you for all your support with all my initiatives in the community, specifically my Respect Program that is so near and dear to my heart. It’s one thing to help with another person’s mission, but you have been invested in the program as much as I have, and I thank you.

Bruce Ely, oh man – thank you for capturing every precious moment both on the court and off! You have a gift, my friend.

I appreciate that you’re always willing to jump in and help, Tristan. You have a unique sense of creativity.

Papa You know what it is, Chico. I am grateful for everything you have done for me, including the million things you manage. I will miss saying good morning to you first.

I will be sending you regular texts, RD, as you are the only guy I know who follows every fight as closely as I do. tiny cards for prize battles… But you really have no idea about boxing, haha.

Sorry to anyone I may have missed, but here’s to all the local media: Casey Holdahl, Jason Quick, Sean Highkin, Danny Marang, Dwight Jaynes, Aaron Fentress. Even though we’ve had our fair share of arguments and tense exchanges, I consider myself to be a true man. I don’t have anything against you; I’ve always made an effort to be honest with you and give you every chance to perform to the best of my abilities. I admit that sometimes some of you have irritated me, but that’s the nature of the game. I hope you’re all well; I know you guys are under pressure and deal with daily stress.

To Chauncey, man, I love you. I view David Vanterpool as my closest OG in the NBA along with a few others, and I place you there with or without basketball. The last two years have been tough on you as they have been on me, but it has been a complete joy growing my relationship with you, bra.

Coach Steve Hetzel, I appreciate you as a man and for challenging me to grow my game. You forever have a friend in me. Mark Tyndale, I appreciate you bro, you know what it is. Roy, I appreciate how invested your are in doing what needs to be done, and I appreciate you as a leader of men. Scotty Brooks, I’ll miss you. It’s It’s been a trye pleasure getting to know you. Jason and Ike, thank you for always being available last minute, at my house, any time of the day… Means a lot. I’ll miss you guys bro. Heavyn, Dr. Green – y’all my dogs, and y’all better stay in that word without me! God don’t like ugly, lol.

I would have given up a long time ago if I had to perform the duties of my guys Eric Hallman and Cory Lay. There are people in this league and many other professions who perform grunt work and behind-the-scenes tasks for which they are never recognised or given credit, but without them, the ship would sink. Love and prayers to you, good brothers.

Geoff Clark, you really are a great guy, my brother. The comfort you have given me just by being in the same building every day is beyond words.

I will miss seeing you, man, because I love you like family. In my eleven years with you, Cheri Hanson, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that no one is too big or too old to ask for help. Miss Cheri, you have my undying love and gratitude for all of your kindness and encouragement.

Beth Hancock I’m grateful that you are a close friend. Since I was a little child until now, you have been a huge help and support to me. And you seem to have aged perfectly, haha. BH, I adore you!

Jim Taylor Although I haven’t seen you in a few seasons, you are one of us! When it got really crowded at my first All-Star Game, you told me, and I remember complaining that “success and failure are equally

I’m grateful for everything, Nick West. All of this was seamless because of you, and no one knew but you. You’re a fantastic friend and guy, bro. I’ll see you.

Our time together is over, but our brotherhood endures, my guy Zilla/Mr. Forcier. With much love.

Thank you Annie Klug for your unwavering support of all of my community initiatives, especially my very personal Respect Programme. Helping someone else with their mission is one thing, but you have put just as much effort into the programme as I have, and for that, I am grateful.

Bruce Ely, my goodness – I appreciate you preserving every priceless moment, on and off the court! I have a gift for you, friend.

Thank you, Tristan, for always being

Grandpa Chico, you know what it is. I appreciate all that you have done for me and all one million things you handle. I’ll miss greeting you first every morning.

RD, expect to get your normal texts from me because you’re the only guy I know that watches every fight like me. Small cards to prize fights… You don’t know shit about boxing though, lol.

To all the local media members, Casey Holdahl, Jason Quick, Sean Highkin, Danny Marang, Dwight Jaynes, Aaron Fentress, and whoever I may have missed, my bad. We’ve had our share of disagreements and heated back-and-forth interactions, but for me, I’m a true man. I hold nothing against you, I’ve always tried to give you my real self and every opportunity to do your jobs to the best of my ability. Some of you have pissed me off on occasion, but that’s part of this game. I know you guys have pressure and everyday stresses, and I wish you all well.

When we’re stripped of what we all do for a living, all we have is our true selves, and I’m the kind of guy that cares for the well-being and quality of life of others. I want to clear anything negative with you because life is too short, and you just don’t know what people are going through. When shit goes down, your more human/compassionate side will beat you up when you don’t settle things. Much love to y’all… Peace.

As this chapter of my life ends, I look back and realize how special it was. Even in this moment, I feel sad that we never accomplished what I so badly wanted to. I don’t cry much, but I know my love for you is real because I am probably dropping some tears right now. Rip City, you know my heart and where I stand because I’ve stood there for over a decade, so to have to move off my square hurts my heart. As my guy Chief says, “One man don’t stop no show,” and the show in Rip City must go on with or without me. I do believe a day will come where I put a Blazers uniform on again, and hopefully, by then, I’ll be forgiven for breaking your hearts along with my own.

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